Acoustic Roof Deck | Keystar Industries –

The Features of Acoustical Roof Deck

Designed to serve as a sound-absorbing ceiling as well as a structural roof deck, acoustical roof deck is identical to its standard deck counterpart, except the webs of the flutes are perforated. The perforation pattern on acoustical deck is 5/32” diameter holes staggered 3/8” on center. Structural properties are negligibly affected by the web perforations in fluted acoustic deck.

The sound absorbing elements consist of rolls of glass fiber, available at Keystar. These insulation batts are placed in the ribs between the perforated webs of the acoustic deck. The roofing contractor installs the glass fiber on the job site.

Additionally, the insulation batts field installed on top of the acoustic deck in the low flutes diminish echoing within the building. Also, perforations in the webs of this deck provide addition sound abatement.

Finally, Acoustic Deck provides a support surface for various roofing materials. Besides this benefit, the sound-absorbing traits appeal to building designs that require noise abatement. Acoustical roof deck is manufactured with perforations in the vertical ribs.

Acoustic Deck Finishes

Low maintenance and high strength, roof deck is designed for pitched and flat construction on virtually all types of nonresidential buildings. Known for its lightweight, strong, economical, and easy to install features, roof deck is the top choice. Ask for the acoustic deck and get the added benefit of reduced sound.

Acoustical Roof Deck comes in galvanized or painted finishes. When painted, the recommended finish for acoustic deck is the shop-applied primer over galvanized G60.

Purchase Acoustical Deck at Keystar Industries

Keystar Industries carries Acoustical Roof Deck in Type B-deck and Type N-deck. Keystar also supplies the glass fiber batts that fit into the flutes. Acoustic deck comes in a variety of gauges, and in either galvanized or painted (primed gray) finishes. The painted finish is first galvanized G60. Keystar, the metal deck supplier, has a variety of stock lengths and will cut deck to specified lengths.

Keystar acoustic deck is available in two finishes: galvanized and primer painted. Call 651.256.0008 or email


for pricing and availability.