C decking provides the metal platform that supports concrete slabs for constructing floor systems. Use stay-in-place form deck to provide an economical support for structural concrete in floor construction. Also, use form deck with lightweight insulating fill for floor or roof applications. Keystar offers these C decking options in 0.6” form deck, 1.0” form deck, and 1.5” form deck. Use C Form deck for strong, lightweight, and economical steel floor and steel roof applications in construction. The 0.6”, 1.0”, and 1.5” C Deck profiles have standard overlapping edges.
C Decking Applications
The perfect choice for use in steel floor construction as an economical form to support concrete slabs during construction, C Decking provides the solutions you need. Additionally, form decking may eliminate the need for expensive temporary shoring, making C-deck some of the most economical, easy to install metal floor systems available for construction.
Routinely specified for schools, warehouses, and low- and high-rise office buildings, C Deck form decking brings strength and versatility to the construction site. C form deck provides a strong, secure, stay-in-place form for poured concrete applications. Install this decking easy and fast since the need for temporary wood forming is eliminated. Also, form deck eliminates the costly stripping and clean-up that follows.
Purchase form deck for floor systems composed of structural normal weight or lightweight concrete slabs. Also choose C decking for roof systems composed of lightweight insulating concretes or insulating concrete used in combination with expanded insulating board.
Installation of C Form Deck
Install C decking with ease because sides and ends are designed to overlap with a close fit which reduces welding time. Before and during concrete placement, C form deck provides a safe working surface for workers and tradesmen. This deck type in 0.6” (9/16”), 1.0”, and 1.5” decking depths is made from high strength, full hard steel. The metal conforms to Steel Deck Institute specifications. Choose a galvanized finish for C form deck when used as a structural support for lightweight insulating concrete fill.
C Decking versus Composite Deck
Conversely, form deck lacks the mechanical embossments in the webs that composite deck has. Therefore, C form deck cannot develop composite action. As a result, other means of reinforcement must be used in the concrete when using C Decking. This deck strictly provides a platform for concrete or fill over open joists, masonry walls, light gauge framing, or structural steel.
C Form Deck Supplier: Keystar Industries
Purchase Form Deck at Keystar where it is in stock and ready for pick up or shipping. Keystar will cut the form deck to specifications. Contact Keystar at
or 651.256.0008.
Keystar’s C form deck products meet the required steel deck certifications in accordance with the specifications of the Steel Deck Institute.
Furthermore, Keystar Industries stocks form deck in a variety of lengths, depths, and gauges with a galvanized (G60) finish. Keystar’s steel deck products are an economical and convenient choice for any construction floor or roofing project.
See Keystar’s offerings of Composite Deck for metal deck with mechanical embossments in the webs that create composite action with structural concrete.